Kazkommertsbank announces intention to exchange outstanding preferred shares KZ1P00400211 (KZ0005416453, KKGBp) for its ordinary KZ1C00400016 (KZ000A0JC858, KKGB)

16.03.18 15:00
/KASE, March 16, 2018/ – Kazkommertsbank (Almaty), whose securities are officially listed on Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE), has provided KASE with the press release dated March 16, 2018, which states as follows: quote Herewith, JSC Kazkommertsbank (hereinafter - Bank) informs on its intention to exchange the Bank’s all offered preference shares to its common shares under the conditions, in the procedure and terms approved at the Extraordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting of the Bank dated 16.02.2018 (Minutes of the Meeting is available in the web-site of JSC Kazakhstan Stock Exchange). Enquiries: Khatiryam Nizamova, Group Capital and Subsidiary Institutions Division Tel.:+7 (727) 258-51-45 ext. 57868 E-mail: KhNizamova@qazkom.kz Rufiya Alimkhanova, Group Capital and Subsidiary Institutions Division Tel.:+7 (727) 258-51-45 ext. 56044 E-mail: RAlimkhanova@qazkom.kz unquote [2018-03-16]