Net income of CNPC-Aktobemunaigas (Kazakhstan) in 2001 - $105m

01.04.02 00:00
/Almaty bureau REUTERS, Apr 1, 02/ - Size of net income of Kazakhstan oil company CNPC-Aktobemunaigas in 2001 didn't change in comparison with 2000 and totaled $105 million, is said in a press release of Axes Industries company, which manages a state block of shares of CNPC- Aktobemunaigas. Data on net income of the company is given in compliance with adopted in Kazakhstan standards of accounting. Any other data on the company's activity for the last year is not given in the report. "Level of oil extraction by the company for last year has risen by 25 percent and reached 3.2 million tons. At that net income of the enterprise totaled as in the year 2000 $105 million," is said in the press release. Meeting of shareholders held last week also decided to repay dividends on results of 2001. A size of dividends is not mentioned in the report and it is said that their repayment will take place not earlier than July of 2002. Main shareholder of CNPC-Aktobemunaigas is Chinese national oil and gas company (CNPC), which owns 60.3 percent of shares of Aktobemunaigas. American company Axes Industries manages a state block of the company's shares in the amount of 25.12 percent. [2002-04-01]