Shareholders of SNPS-Aktobemunaigas (Kazakhstan) will held a meeting on March 29

26.02.02 00:00
/REUTERS, Almaty, Feb 26, 02/ - Shareholders of SNPS-Aktobemunaigas oil extracting company will discuss an order of net income distribution and determine a size of dividends for the year 2001 at general annual meeting on March 29, is said in a notification published on Tuesday in Kazakhstanskaya Pravda newspaper. At the meeting there will be appointed members of the Board of Directors and Revision Commission. Shareholders will also listen to a report of the Board on results of activity, reports of Revision commission and independent auditor of the company for the year 2001. Aktobemunaigas is located in the west of Kazakhstan. Control packet of shares in the amount of 30.3 percent belongs to Chinese national oil company (SNPS), State block of shares in the amount of 25.12 percent is under management of American company Access Industries (Eurasia).