Tethys Petroleum Limited (Cayman Islands) signs addendum to loan agreement with Olisol

05.03.16 09:57
/KASE, March 5, 16/ – Tethys Petroleum Limited (Cayman Islands) whose shares are officially listed on Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE), has provided KASE with the press release dated March 2, 2016 that the Company "today announced the signing of a legally binding addendum ("Addendum to the loan agreement") to the agreement on the convertible loan of USD15 mln signed on November 19, 2015 (the "Interim Loan") with the company Olisol Investments Limited and its subsidiary Olisol Petroleum Limited (further "OPL", collectively referred to as the "Olisol"). The addendum includes changes to the Interim Loan conditions and further changes in the documents relating to the transaction between the companies". The full press release is available on KASE website in Russian at http://www.kase.kz/files/emitters/KY_TPL_/ky_tpl_reliz_020316.pdf [2016-03-05]