NNK Kazahoil has chosen the advisers for the bonds issue

19.04.00 00:00
/IRBIS, IRBIS 19, 00/ - In the today's press release the National petroleum company Kazahoil has pronounced results of the tender. The financial consortium formed by JSC Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan, Closed JSC Affiliated bank ABN AMRO Bank Kazakhstan and JSC Kazkomerts Securities is chosen as the financial advisers, which will help the company in placement of its bonds on the domestic market of Kazakhstan. The director of the assets management department of Kazahoil Beimbet Shajahmetov has told REUTERS that most likely the bonds will be issued in May to the sum of $15-20 million. Term of circulation is two years. Kazahoil hopes on the demand of the Pension Assets Management Companies, which are limited today in a choice of financial tools. As far as it is known to IRBIS, these hopes look rather justified. Pension Assets Management Companies wait for these bonds. But demand will depend on offered yield. Besides Kazahoil continues to work above the project of Securities placement on the world market. Beimbet Shajahmetov does not exclude an opportunity of an appearance of the company on the debt world market in the present year after the internal bonds placement. As it was told volume euronotes issue can make $60 - $80 millions. Means received a the placement Kazahoil plans to the oil production magnification.