FSC NBK approved Eurasian Bank (Kazakhstan) bonds KZ2CKY07B915 (KZ2C00001162, EUBNb3) repayment results

14.05.13 14:45
/KASE, May 14, 13/ – Eurasian Bank (Almaty), bonds of which are officially listed on Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE), provided to KASE the copy of notice of the Committee on Regulation and Supervision of Financial Market and Financial Organizations of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan (FSC NBK) of May 2, 2013. According to the provided document FSC NBK approved the report on repayment results of bonds KZ2CKY07B915 (KZ2C00001162, EUBNb3; KZT100, KZT10.0 bn; April 5, 06 – April 5, 13, semi-annual coupon indexed at inflation rate, 6.90 % APR for the last coupon period; 30/360) of Eurasian Bank. According to FSC NBK notice as of April 9, 2013 the bonds have been fully repaid. [2013-05-14]