Kazakhtelecom (Kazakhstan) launched MyCloud.kz sevices

05.10.12 16:01
/KASE, October 5, 12/ - Kazakhtelecom (Astana), securities of which are officially listed on Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE), provided to KASE the following press release of October 5, 2012: quotation Today in Entrepreneurs Servicing Center Kazakhtelecom Management Board Chairman Kuanyshbek Esekeev and Damu Entrepreneurship development Fund Management Board Chairman Lyazzat Ibragimova held the press conference devoted to launching of cloud portal services MyCloud.kz. The entrepreneurs wll be able to use various services without purchasing licensed programs through Internet resource created by Kazakhtelecom affiliate LLP KT Cloud Lab. In the future the range of services will be extended. Damu Entrepreneurship Development Fund Management Board Chairman Lyazzat Ibragimova expressed the hope that proposed to the business cloud services will improve efficiency. "the support and tuning of IT infrastructure, organization of telephony and internal telecommunications makes up the major part of production costs that managers try to optimize, - said the Fund Chief Executive during the press conference. The first cloud services - "Microsoft Hosted Exchange" and "Microsoft Hosted SharePoint" - Kazakhtelecom launched in July within the Memorandum signed with Microsoft. All cloid services are implemented on the basis of 14 data centers with over 13 thousand clients. According to Kazakhtelecom Management Board Chairman Kuanyshbek Esekeev, the main audiences of mentioned products are small and medium size businesses. "Today information and communication technologies allow providing innovative services. For Kazakhtelecom, as the operator of traditional services, it the step towards the new quality", - said Kuanyshbek Esekeev. Kazakhstan entrepreneurs will be able to receive consolations of КТ Cloud Lab specialists and connect to the portal services at Entrepreneurs Servicing Center at: Almaty, 111, Gogol Str. Reference Damu Entrepreneurship Development Fund - the main operator and integrator of entrepreneurship support. The Fund programs are being implemented on three main areas: the increase of volume and improvement of accessibility of funds to entrepreneurs; support of diversification of entrepreneurs sector and its industrial and innovative development; small business entities professional development based on training of beginning entrepreneurs and top managers, foreign study tours, service and information support. EDF Damu Press Service +7 727 2 44 55 66 (вн. 1021, 1022) Kazaktelecom Public Relations +7 727 2 587 511 ends [2012-10-05]