Unicorn IFC abandons status of KASE market-maker for common shares KZ1C35860010 (KZ000A0Q31Q7, SNBN) of SENIM-BANK (Kazakhstan)
27.08.12 15:59
/KASE, August 27, 12/ - Following a decision of Kazakhstan Stock Exchange
(KASE) Management Board, JSC "Unicorn IFC" (Almaty), effective from
September 5, 2012, is released from liabilities of a market-maker at KASE for
common shares KZ1C35860010 (KZ000A0Q31Q7, KASE official list, third
category, SNBN) of JSC "SENIM-BANK" (Almaty region).
This decision was taken in accordance with item 2, article 5 of KASE internal
document "Rules of Market-Makers' Activities" following the market-maker's