KASE published listed companies 2012 calendars of corporate events

19.01.12 15:43
/KASE, January 19, 12/ - Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE) published today on its website 2012 calendars of corporate events of the following listed companies: - CS Development LLP (Almaty) at http://www.kase.kz/files/emitters/CSDV/csdv_calendar_2012.pdf - Zhayremsky Gorno-Obogatitelny Kombinat (Karaganda Region) at http://www.kase.kz/files/emitters/JGOK/jgok_calendar_2012.pdf - National Company Food Contract Corporation (Astana) at http://www.kase.kz/files/emitters/PRKR/prkr_calendar_2012_.pdf [2012-01-19]