FSA registers amendments and additions to issue prospectus of bonds KZ2C0Y05D117 (KKAGb4) of Kazakhstan Kagazy

28.02.11 11:40
/KASE, February 28, 11/ - Kazakhstan Kagazy (Almaty region), whose bonds are officially listed on Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE), has provided KASE with copies of registered amendments and additions to the issue prospectus of its bonds KZ2C0Y05D117 (KASE official list, "buffer category", KKAGb4; KZT100, KZT12.0 bn; August 29, 2008 - August 29, 2013, semi-annual coupon 12.00 % APR; 30/360) and a copy of a certificate of state registration of securities issue dated February 25, 2011 replacing the one issued previously. According to the said documents: - Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Regulation and Supervision of Financial Market and Financial Organizations (FSA) has registered amendments and additions to the issue prospectus of the mentioned bonds; - the mentioned certificate has been replaced due to a change in the mentioned bonds' circulation term; - the mentioned bonds' circulation term has been increased from five to twenty years; - the national identifying number of the mentioned bonds has been changed from KZ2C0Y05D117 to KZ2C0Y20D116; - order and terms of payment of the coupon interest on the mentioned bonds have been changed; - the mentioned bonds' issue has been entered in the State Register of Emissive Securities under number D11. Amendments and additions to the issue prospectus of the mentioned bonds are available on KASE website, at http://www.kase.kz/files/emitters/KKAG/kkagf9b4_izm_250211.pdf [2011-02-28]