/KASE, June 18, 10/ - By Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE) Managing Board
decision from June 18, 2010 were suspended trades in the following bonds of
BTA Bank Subsidiary-Temirbank (Almaty) for the period from June 24-30, 2010:
1. KZ2CKY10A648 (KASE official list buffer category, TEBNb3; KZT20,000,
KZT2.2 bn; October 20, 02 - October 20, 12; free floating semi-annual
coupon, 10.00 % APR for the current coupon period; 30/360);
2. KZPC1Y10B550 (KASE official list buffer category, TEBNb4; KZT10,000,
KZT5.0 bn; July 7, 05 - July 7, 15; free floating semi-annual coupon, 9.00 %
APR for the current coupon period; 30/360);
3. KZPC3Y07B552 (KASE official list buffer category, TEBNb6; KZT1, KZT4.0
bn; December 30, 05 - December 30, 12; the semi-annual coupon indexed
at the inflation rate, 6.80 % APR for the current coupon period; 30/360);
4. KZPC7Y10B557 (KASE official list buffer category, TEBNb10; KZT1,000;
KZT4.5 bn; November 29, 06 - November 29, 16; the semi-annual coupon
indexed at the inflation rate, 6.80 % APR for the current coupon period;
5. KZPC8Y15B554 (KASE official list buffer category, TEBNb11, KZT1,000,
KZT4.0 bn; November 29, 06 - November 29, 21; the semi-annual coupon
indexed at the inflation rate, 6.80 % APR for the current coupon period;
6. KZPC2Y05C333 (KASE official list buffer category, TEBNb13; KZT1,000,
KZT8.0 bn; April 14, 07 - April 14, 12, the semi-annual coupon 9.00 % APR;
7. KZPC3Y09C333 (KASE official list buffer category, TEBNb14; KZT1,000,
KZT6.0 bn; April 14, 07 - April 14, 16, the semi-annual coupon 9.50 % APR;
8. KZPC4Y09C331 (KASE official list buffer category, TEBNb15; KZT1,000,
KZT6.0 bn; April 14, 07 - April 14, 16, the semi-annual coupon 9.50 % APR;
9. KZPC5Y10C336 (KASE official list buffer category, TEBNb16; KZT1,000,
KZT6.0 bn; April 14, 07 - April 14, 17; the semi-annual coupon 8.50 % APR;
10. KZPC6Y10C334 (KASE official list buffer category, TEBNb17; KZT1,000,
KZT6.0 bn; April 14, 07 - April 14, 17; the semi-annual coupon indexed at
the inflation rate, 8.40 % APR for the current coupon period; 30/360);
11. KZP07Y10C336 (KASE official list buffer category, TEBNb18; KZT1,000;
KZT10.0 bn; February 5, 09 - February 5, 19; the semi-annual coupon
9.00 % APR; 30/360).
The decision has been made based on BTA Bank Subsidiary-Temirbank
application in compliance with sub-item 5) of item 1 of article 35 of the KASE
internal document "Listing Rules".
Previously KASE published news of June 2, 2010 "KASE suspends trade in
bonds KZPC4Y09B556 (TEBNb7) and KZPC5Y06B559 (TEBNb8) of Temirbank
(Kazakhstan)" -