KASE amended Methodology of Securities Valuation

25.12.09 18:00
/KASE, December 25, 09/ - By Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE) Council decision of December 24, 2009 were approved changes and additions # 10 (amendments) to the KASE internal document "Methodology of Securities Valuation" (Methodology). Amendments were submitted to the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Regulation and Supervision of Financial Market and Financial Organizations (АФН) for approval and will become effective from the first working day following the day of their approval. Amendments apart from editorial clarifications, establish the AFS right to independently publish data on securities market prices and/or data, needed for securities valuation on KASE website. In addition, amendments relieve KASE of responsibility for reliability and timeliness of published by AFS data on KASE website, and define the order of securities market valuation absent in KASE lists. The Methodology revised text will be published on KASE website agter approval with AFS. [2009-12-25]