Kazakhstan Mortgage Company JSC (Kazakhstan) has informed about the face value payment on its KZPC3Y01B548 (KZIKb15) discount bonds

16.01.08 16:56
/KASE, January 16, 08/ - Kazakhstan Mortgage Comapny JSC (Almaty) has informed Kazakhstan stock exchange (KASE) by the official letter that on January 15, 2008 the company made the payment of face value to holders of KZPC3Y01B548 discount bonds (KASE's official "A" listing category, KZIKb15, KZT1, KZT5.0 bn.; January 15, 07 - January 15, 08). According to the message of the issuer the sum of payment totaled KZT3,925,000,000.00. KASE draws the attention to the fact that it did not validate the information, given in the notification of its source. The person, indicated in the message as the source of the information, is completely responsible for authenticity of published information. Individuals, who want to refute the information, published in this message, must apply to KASE by the corresponding official letter. [2008-01-16]