State fund Kazyna concluded memorandums about cooperation with state agency of regulating the activities of RFCA and SBC Sary-Arka

13.02.07 14:42
/INTERFAX-KAZAKHSTAN, Astana, February 12, 07/ - Kazakhstan state Fund of stable development Kazyna JSC (KAZNA) concluded two-side memorandums about cooperation with state agency of regulating the activities of regional financial center of Almaty (RFCA) and social-business corporation Sary-Arka. Ceremony of signing of documents had taken place on Monday in Astana. At first the chairman of board of fund Kazyna Kayrat Kelimbetov had signed memorandum with head of state agency of regulating the activities of RFCA Arken Arystanov, then the similar document with head of SBC Sary-Arka Albert Rau. "The priority directions of cooperation are creation of conditions for exiting of companies included to composition of fund Kazyna to the special trade floor (RFCA - IF-K), attraction of funds of home institutional investors for financing of projects realizing by institutions of development, issue of shares and other securities (financial instruments) by the companies, included to the composition of fund Kazyna, and offering of them among wide circle of participants with increase of stake of retail investors", - is noted in the press-release spread during the action. As the special trade floor of RFCA is determined Kazakhstan stock exchange (KASE). State fund Kazyna, created in March 2006 is the managing company of financial-innovation institutions of development created by the government. Currently to the composition of fund are included: 7 development institutions of Kazakhstan: state bank of development, investment and innovation funds, state corporation of export risks and investments' insurance, fund of development of small business, center of marketing-analytical researches (CMAR) and company Kazinvest. Meanwhile SBC are some kind of institutions of development on the regional level. Sary-Arka is the first among SBC created in republic. [2007-02-13]