Board of directors of Kazakhtelecom JSC (Kazakhstan) had approved the plan of company's development for year 2007-2009 - press-release

18.01.07 22:21
/KASE, January 18, 07, title KASE/ - Kazakhtelecom JSC (Astana), shares of which are traded in Kazakhstan stock exchange's (KASE) category "A" had spread today the press-release, in which the following is informed: quotation begin Board of directors of Kazakhtelecom JSC had approved the Plan of development of the company for years 2007-2009. Presentation of this plan had taken place in Kazakhstan holding of state assets management Samruk JSC. The priority projects of technical development of Kazakhtelecom JSC for the close perspective are determined: development of main networks, modernization and development of local network of telecommunications. Digitalization of the local network will be made in active rates. In year 2010 will be provided the total digitalization of city networks of telecommunications. (In year 2006 the level of digitalization of city networks of telecommunications had exceeded 80%). The total digitalization of village networks of telecommunications will finish in year 2012 (In year 2006 the level of digitalization of village networks of telecommunications made about 65%). One of the most important investment products is the continue of building of National information super-main (NISM) with introduction of the technology of spectral compression DWDM. Realization of the given project will let to increase sufficiently the carrying capacity of the super-main. It will be continued the building of network of the next generation NGN. Till the end of year 2008 the creation of networks NGN is planning in almost all regional centers. With objectives of organization of wireless access on the basis of new technologies the company will continue the building of wideband wireless WiFi. The first stage of this project was finished in year 2006 in Almaty. In the current and next years this project is planning to be realized in all regional centers of the republic. In years 2009-2011 will be maintained the development of the project during growth of demand for services of wireless internet. So to the users will be given the ability of Internet connection in libraries, on stations and in airports and in hotels. It is also planning the realization of project of building the wideband wireless networks Wi-Max. In year 2007 it is foreseen the introduction of system Wi- Max in regional centers, in year 2008 - in all other cities of the republic. Starting from year 2009 it is planning the pushing of the project to the level of regional centers. Noteworthy, while implementing the projects of development and modernization of telecommunication networks, Kazakhtelecom JSC will put big attention on IP-networks development (Internet-telephony). Kazakhtelecom JSC is working over the program to raise the level of servicing within the frameworks of development plan. In order to raise tolerance of consumers, the company intends to improve servicing for all segments of users, to provide press availability of telecommunication services, to introduce differentiate marketing and to enlarge the range of services. At that, big significance will be counted for training the staff, for enlarging the Call-centers and electronic forms of servicing. Operation of varied marketing will give the company possibility to segment demands of users and to execute bundling of services with different parameters. Within frameworks of perfecting the servicing it is planned to satisfy all applications for services of telecommunication, to reduce terms for consideration of applications. In order to satisfy the current demand for setting-up of telephones, it is planned besides usage of traditional linear-cable equipment, to use wireless access by WLL technology. In 2007 almost 30% of settings-up will be made by way of the mentioned technology, which will cut a number of the expecting line 3 times. At that, the queue waiting for the installation in urban area will be decreased 9 times. Applications for setting up the telephone in urban area will be satisfied completely by the beginning of 2009. In order to implement the Program of raising the level of servicing, the following instrument will be used: re-engineering of business-processes, development of information technology, training of stuff, individualization of users servicing according to mentioned segments, perfecting of the interactive forms of servicing. quotation end [2007-01-18]