Additions are included to the agenda of prescheduled general meeting of shareholders of Kazakhtelecom JSC (Kazakhstan), appointed to December 15, 2006

29.11.06 21:38
/KASE, November 29, 06/ - Kazakhtelecom JSC (Astana), shares of which are traded in Kazakhstan stock exchange's (KASE) category "A" official listing had informed KASE about including of additions to the agenda of the prescheduled general meeting of shareholders, calling by the initiative of the big shareholder - Kazakhstan holding of state assets management Samruk JSC, appointed on December 15, 2006. Agenda of the meeting with consideration of additions: - about determination of quantitative contention, term of authorities of Board of directors, selection of its members and prescheduled stoppage of their authorities, and also determination of size and terms of payment of interests to members of Board of directors; - about including changes and additions to the charter of Kazakhtelecom JSC; - about including changes and additions to regulations about Board of directors of Kazakhtelecom JSC; - about providing of free access to Internet at schools; - about determination of size and terms of payment of interests to members of Board of directors of Kazakhtelecom JSC; - about confirmation of strategic directions of development of Kazakhtelecom JSC for years 2007 - 2011; - about deal making, in which Kazakhtelecom JSC is interested. Place of meeting holding: 240b, Furmanov street, Almaty, meeting hall of Kazakhtelecom JSC. Registration of shareholders will be made from 9:00 to 15:00 on December 15. The list of shareholders, having the right on participation in the meeting will be composed as of November 15, 2006. In case of quorum absence the repeated meeting will take place on December 16, 2006 at 11:00 at the address pointed above. Materials on questions of agenda shareholders can receive not later then before ten days till the meeting holding at the address:31, Abay avenue, Astana. [2006-11-29]