Trade Information
the total market value of shares of the company – 78 885,88 m. KZT ($177,01 m.)
Fax: 8 (7292) 57 98 60
Republic of Kazakhstan, 130000, Mangistau region, Aktau, industrial zone 6, 150
Primary activity:
exploration, search, development and production of gas; production and selling of fertilizers
Chief executive officer:
Mauleshev Arman General director
Symbol ISIN Board Sector Category Trades Index
KZAZ KZ1C00001395 main shares standard 12.05.17

as of April 1, 2024 ( previous extract )

Shareholder Common shares, pieces Common shares, shareholding % Preferred shares Total shares, pieces Total shares, shareholding %
"KAZAKHSTAN PETROCHEMICALS" LLP 85 000 85,00 85 000 85,00
B.Ablazimov 15 000 15,00 15 000 15,00
Authorized ordinary shares, pieces 100 000
Authorized preferred shares, pieces
Issued ordinary shares, pieces 100 000
Issued preferred shares, pieces
Treasury ordinary shares, pieces
Treasury preferred shares, pieces
Outstanding ordinary shares, pieces
Outstanding preferred shares, pieces
IndicatorAs of 01.10.23As of 01.07.23
Authorized capital 17 754 292,00 тыс. KZT 17 754 292,00 тыс. KZT
Equity capital 120 831 565,00 тыс. KZT 119 434 359,00 тыс. KZT
Total assets 217 804 336,00 тыс. KZT 218 280 379,00 тыс. KZT
Total liabilities 96 972 771,00 тыс. KZT 98 846 020,00 тыс. KZT
Sales volume 49 547 333 тыс. KZT 36 896 483 тыс. KZT
Gross revenue 34 724 706,00 тыс. KZT 26 402 908,00 тыс. KZT
Net income 19 222 718,00 тыс. KZT 17 825 512,00 тыс. KZT
Book value of common share 1 207 491,00 KZT 1 193 666,00 KZT
ROA 8,83% 8,17%
ROE 15,91% 14,92%
ROS 38,80% 48,31%